“When the room opened, second on the right, I had the feeling I was stepping into a hecatomb. Hence the name ‘catacombs’, as the regular detainees called the rooms in the redoubt!. The room was, in fact, a vaulted corridor 15 meters long and 5 meters wide, 75 square meters,[…]
Nicolae Margineanu
History Nicolae Margineanu
LETTERS (facsimiles) Gordon W. Allport 1938 December 10 letter (Cambridge Massachusetts) PDF file for download (592 Kb) EdwardThorndike 1934 January 9 letter (Teachers College-Columbia University) PDF file for download (72 Kb) H. Pieron 1939 March 29 letter (Universite De Paris-Institut De Psychologie) PDF file for download (124 Kb) L. L.[…]
Resume Nicolae Margineanu
Nicolae Margineanu – psiholog 1905 – 1980 Membru post-mortem al Academiei Romane din 2012 EDUCATION: Licentiate (1927) and doctor (1929) in philosophy, main specialty psychology, with magna cum laudae, at the University of Cluj. Reader in psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters from the University of Cluj. Specialty[…]
About Nicolae Margineanu
Nicolae Margineanu’s journey started in 1905 in the village Obreja and ended in 1980 in Cluj. He began his life under Austro-Hungarian domination, was a witness to the 1918 Union, lived under three kings: Ferdinand, Carol II and Mihai, and survived all of Romania’s dictatorships, from absolute monarchy to the[…]