Nicolae Margineanu – psiholog 1905 – 1980
Membru post-mortem al Academiei Romane din 2012
Licentiate (1927) and doctor (1929) in philosophy, main specialty psychology, with magna cum laudae, at the University of Cluj.
Reader in psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters from the University of Cluj.
Specialty education at the Universities of Leipzig, Berlin and Hamburg (1929), Sorbona – Paris (1935) and London (1935).
Scientific researcher as a scholar of the Rockefeller Foundation at the Harvard Unversity, Yale, Columbia, Chicago and Duke (1932-1934)
Tutor (1926-1928), assistent (1928-1936) and project manager (1936-1938) at the Psichology Institute of the University of Cluj.
Lecturer of applicated psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters from the University of Cluj (1938-1947).
Substitute professor of psychology and director of the Psychology Institute of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters from the University of Cluj (1938-1942).
Director of the Psychotechnic Laboratory of the Labour Ministry from Cluj, in Sibiu (1941-1943)
Documentary writer at the Cluj Academy Library (1965-1969).
Main scientific researcher, second grade, at the Institute of Pedagogical Science, responsible of the Cluj branch (1969-1971).
Substitute professor, with attributions of scientific research, at the department of Psychology at the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the “Babes-Bolyai” University from Cluj (1971-1980).
Guest professor at the University of Bonn (1971).
Guest professor at the University of Hamburg (1972).
Guest of the Rockefeller Foundation from USA, between 1979-1980. He returns to Romania when American doctors confirm he has cancer.
He dies June 13, 1980, in Cluj.
At the publishing house of the Psichology Institute of the University of Cluj:
Psychology of exercise, 1929, 158 p
Psychotechnics in Germany, 1929, 88 p
Contemporary German psychology, 1930, 350 p
Learning psychology, 1931, 180 p
Contemporary French psychology, 1932, 320 p
Configuration psychology (in co-operation with L. Rusu, A. Rosca, D. Todoran), 1929, 176 p
Elements of psyhometry, 1938, 376 p
The analysis of psychic factors, 1938, 216 p
Human psychology, I-st edition: 1940, 570 p; II-nd edition: 1941, 574 p
Psychotechnics in great industry, 1942, 156 p
Psichotechnics, 1943, 504 p
Other publishing houses:
The evolution problem, edited at Society of tomorrow, Cluj, 1931, 84 p
Nature of science, edited at the Scientific Publishing House, Bucharest, 1969, 504 p
Being kind-hearted, edited at the Publishing House for Literature, 1970, 304 p
Psychology and literature, edited at the Dacia Publishing House, Cluj, 1971, 350 p
School and Professional Orientation – scientific coordinator and author of five chapters, containing about 100 pages, edited at the Didactical and Pedagogical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1972, 350 p
Human Condition – her bio-psycho-social and cultural, edited at the Scientific Publishing House, Bucharest, 1973, 650 p
Logical and mathematical psychology, edited at the Dacia Publishing House, 1975, 350 p (the book develops the lessons held at the Bonn University, as a guest professor)
Amphitheaters and prisons, edited at the Dacia Publishing House, Cluj, 1991, 260 p
Human psychology, III-rd edition, edited at the Scientific Publishing House, Bucharest, 1999, 600 p
Depth and height Psychology, edited at the University Press of Cluj, 1999, 215 p
A number of approximate 35 articles in specialty magazines and all-round education, plus approximate 25 tests and questionnaire, observation cards applied in schools and factories.
In foreign languages:
Beitrage zur Psychologie der Ubung, Zeitscher. F. Angew. Psychol. 39, 1931, 491-530.
La theorie des facteurs, L’Ann. Psychol., Paris, 25, 1934, 50-84
Les facteurs psychologiques, L’Ann. Psychol., Paris, 25, 1934, 85-102.
La nature de la loi scientifique et ses conditions d’exactitude, Paris, Alcan. Homage Volume, dedicated to P. Janet, 32 p
Logical and Mathematical Psychology, edited at the University Press of Cluj, 1997, 316 p (posthumous)
Depth and height Psychology, edited at the University Press of Cluj, 1998, 218 p